I got this article through Scott Crawford's blog. Scott Crawford was, I believe perhaps the first blogger on Native Hawaiian issues. At any rate, Scott's blog brought me to an article published in "The Hill." The Hill is a newspaper that covers the United States Congress. Anyway, The Hill's article is titled, "Hawaii stands ready to become the Big Kahuna in Washington."
Key points from the article include:
- Senator Inouye will be in a powerful position as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee,
- Senators Abercrombie and Akaka will have "clout" due to their seniority, and
- Barack Obama, born in Hawai'i and who "reflects the pacific islands' multicultural ethos," is the next President.
The article speculates that as a result of the points described above, what may result is:
- the federal government footing a portion of the estimated $5 billion cost for an elevated rail project,
- the Akaka Bill, which provides a process for Hawaiians to attain federal recognition, will pass,
- money to "boost the state's year-round tourism industry,
- relieve high oil prices, and
- an increase in the "amount of money from Washington that" Hawai'i's congressional delegation usually gets.
It is undoubtedly an interesting article to read and if you're from Hawai'i, perhaps a hopeful article.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Community Outreach and a Law Student's commentary
Sorry for missing a posting yesterday Thursday. But we shared some great news on the Wednesday posting. Thursday was a very VERY busy day especially coming after Wednesday.
On Wednesday, November 19, 2008, Community Outreach Fellow, Derek Kauanoe was at Kailua High School for its Career Day Fair held in Kailua High School's gymnasium. At a later date, but not too far into the future, we'll be posting some video footage of the outreach effort. Hopefully within the next couple of days and with a thorough description of the day's events.
Third year law student, Evan Silberstein, a student at the William S. Richardson School of Law had his commentary printed in today's Honolulu Advertiser.
In his commentary, Evan mentions this blog site as the source of video footage of a "post-election discussion." Because Mr. Silberstein cited to this blog site for the video footage, I'll make it easier for people to find that footage by embedding it below.
Ken Conklin provides a critique of Evan's commentary. To read it, you'll need to scroll down past the commentary.
On Wednesday, November 19, 2008, Community Outreach Fellow, Derek Kauanoe was at Kailua High School for its Career Day Fair held in Kailua High School's gymnasium. At a later date, but not too far into the future, we'll be posting some video footage of the outreach effort. Hopefully within the next couple of days and with a thorough description of the day's events.
Third year law student, Evan Silberstein, a student at the William S. Richardson School of Law had his commentary printed in today's Honolulu Advertiser.
In his commentary, Evan mentions this blog site as the source of video footage of a "post-election discussion." Because Mr. Silberstein cited to this blog site for the video footage, I'll make it easier for people to find that footage by embedding it below.
Ken Conklin provides a critique of Evan's commentary. To read it, you'll need to scroll down past the commentary.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
$100,000 goes to Hawai'i Law School and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Army reach a resolution?
According to a Pacific Business News article, the law firm of Starn O'Toole Marcus & Fisher will donate $100,000 to the William S. Richardson School of Law for scholarships and the school's moot court program. The article describes the moot court program as nationally-recognized. Mahalo to the law firm for its generosity.
The William S. Richardson School of Law has a variety of moot court teams. Such teams include: Client Counseling team, Criminal Law Moot Court Team, Environmental Law Moot Court Team, Hispanic Moot Court Team, Intellectual Moot Court Team, International Environmental Law Moot Court Team, Jessup International Law Moot Court Team, and the Native American Moot Court Team. Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law is closely affiliated with the Native American Moot Court Team on campus. Because of this affiliation, we would like to take the time to describe the Native American Moot Court Team. The Native American Moot Court Team has a consistent record of success in its participation at the National Native American Law Students Association's annual moot court competition. In 16 years of the competition's existence, the William S. Richardson School of Law captured First Place in the Best Overall/Best Advocates category four times. That's a total of 1/4 of the First Place Award in that category. Additionally, the team has won awards in the other two categories, Best Brief and Best Oralist for a total of 19 awards.
You can read the team's online magazine available at http://www2.hawaii.edu/~nalsa/magazine.html
Here is a short video of the team with highlights from the 2007-08 year and competition.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs issued a News Release, that, in part provides, "By agreement, OHA representatives, together with a neutral archaeologist and accompanied by Army representatives, will survey certain Army training areas. Through these and past surveys, OHA and Army representatives aim to ensure the appropriate identification and treatment of cultural and historic resources located in Lihu‘e, the traditional name for the Schofield Barracks region, and other parts of Hawai‘i."
The Honolulu Advertiser also has an article on the topic. The article identifies OHA's concern in noting,
"On July 22, 2006, an unexploded-ordnance removal crew bulldozed across a buffer protecting Hale'au'au heiau at Schofield, according to cultural monitors hired by the Army.
OHA also said there were other incidents involving displacement and damage of petroglyphs, the filling of a streambed known to contain Native Hawaiian sites and the construction of a road over burial grounds."
The William S. Richardson School of Law has a variety of moot court teams. Such teams include: Client Counseling team, Criminal Law Moot Court Team, Environmental Law Moot Court Team, Hispanic Moot Court Team, Intellectual Moot Court Team, International Environmental Law Moot Court Team, Jessup International Law Moot Court Team, and the Native American Moot Court Team. Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law is closely affiliated with the Native American Moot Court Team on campus. Because of this affiliation, we would like to take the time to describe the Native American Moot Court Team. The Native American Moot Court Team has a consistent record of success in its participation at the National Native American Law Students Association's annual moot court competition. In 16 years of the competition's existence, the William S. Richardson School of Law captured First Place in the Best Overall/Best Advocates category four times. That's a total of 1/4 of the First Place Award in that category. Additionally, the team has won awards in the other two categories, Best Brief and Best Oralist for a total of 19 awards.
You can read the team's online magazine available at http://www2.hawaii.edu/~nalsa/magazine.html
Here is a short video of the team with highlights from the 2007-08 year and competition.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs issued a News Release, that, in part provides, "By agreement, OHA representatives, together with a neutral archaeologist and accompanied by Army representatives, will survey certain Army training areas. Through these and past surveys, OHA and Army representatives aim to ensure the appropriate identification and treatment of cultural and historic resources located in Lihu‘e, the traditional name for the Schofield Barracks region, and other parts of Hawai‘i."
The Honolulu Advertiser also has an article on the topic. The article identifies OHA's concern in noting,
"On July 22, 2006, an unexploded-ordnance removal crew bulldozed across a buffer protecting Hale'au'au heiau at Schofield, according to cultural monitors hired by the Army.
OHA also said there were other incidents involving displacement and damage of petroglyphs, the filling of a streambed known to contain Native Hawaiian sites and the construction of a road over burial grounds."
Ka Huli Ao,
Moot court,
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hawaiian Sovereignty movement, mortgage relief, and fraud all wrapped up in one?
In previous posts, I've included in the title words/terms to describe independent and separate events or happenings. Today however, all three terms (Hawaiian Sovereignty movement, mortgage relief, and fraud) in the title are, strangely, part of one story.
The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Native Hawaiian families facing foreclosure on their homes were targeted by scammers and lured by the promise of receiving a $1 million to pay mortgage payments. The scammers charged people between $2,500 and $10,000 to attend seminars on how to avoid foreclosure.
According to the article scammers claim "to be affiliated with Native Hawaiian sovereignty movements" and tell seminar attendees that "a $1 million "Royal Hawaiian Treasury Bond" will be sent to the homeowners' bank with a letter explaining that it will cover the outstanding balance of the mortgage."
Nothing in the article suggests that any sovereignty activists are involved in the scam. The article does however suggest that perhaps scammers have used the sovereignty movement in their elaborate scheme to commit fraud on Native Hawaiian families facing foreclosure. Fraud victims are believed to have been bilked about $300,000 so far.
Second year law student, Davis Price and two Richardson alumni, Jocelyn M. Doane and Derek Kauanoe will be joining Brickwood Galuteria and Kimo Kahoano today on Nā ‘Ōiwi ‘Ōlino radio show from 8am until 9am. Live-streaming audio of the radio show is available by clicking here. Unfortunately, that link may not work on all browsers.
The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Native Hawaiian families facing foreclosure on their homes were targeted by scammers and lured by the promise of receiving a $1 million to pay mortgage payments. The scammers charged people between $2,500 and $10,000 to attend seminars on how to avoid foreclosure.
According to the article scammers claim "to be affiliated with Native Hawaiian sovereignty movements" and tell seminar attendees that "a $1 million "Royal Hawaiian Treasury Bond" will be sent to the homeowners' bank with a letter explaining that it will cover the outstanding balance of the mortgage."
Nothing in the article suggests that any sovereignty activists are involved in the scam. The article does however suggest that perhaps scammers have used the sovereignty movement in their elaborate scheme to commit fraud on Native Hawaiian families facing foreclosure. Fraud victims are believed to have been bilked about $300,000 so far.
Second year law student, Davis Price and two Richardson alumni, Jocelyn M. Doane and Derek Kauanoe will be joining Brickwood Galuteria and Kimo Kahoano today on Nā ‘Ōiwi ‘Ōlino radio show from 8am until 9am. Live-streaming audio of the radio show is available by clicking here. Unfortunately, that link may not work on all browsers.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mark Bennett's 11/13/08 comments and the Kupu'aina Coalition
Hawai'i Public Radio has an audio clip of comments made by Hawai'i Attorney General Mark Bennett. Hawai'i Public Radio briefly describes those comments as providing that the Akaka bill will become law soon.
Below is a transcribed version of those comments.
With the now coming into power of President-elect Barack Obama, I think it is virtually certain that the Akaka bill will become law in 2009, that a native Hawaiian governing entity will be recognized and will assume eventually the same legal status as other subsidiary sovereigns like Indian tribes and Native Alaskans. There is no justifiable policy reason, in our view, to treat Native Hawaiians as second class. Native Hawaiians were dispossessed of their land. They were treated unfairly, promises were made and broken in a moral sense and Native Hawaiians ought to have the right to form their own government to exercise limited autonomy and self-government in the same way every other native group in America has the right to.
I realize that opinions on the Akaka Bill vary throughout the Hawaiian islands and within the Native Hawaiian community. I mention these comments here, because, within the context of the State of Hawai'i's decision to have the Supreme Court of The United States review the Hawai'i Supreme Court's ruling in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs v. Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawai'i, these statements provide for some very interesting discussions.
On Friday November 14, 2008, an organization referred to as the "Kupu'āna Coalition" began circulating notices. There were a total of two the first is an "action alert" and the other is a "fact sheet." I'm pasting those notices below in case you have not yet received a notice. It will undoubtedly be interesting to see how things go.
Action Alert:
Friday, November 14, 2008
*Derek Kauanoe: 489-5316
*Davis Kahōkū Price: daprice@hawaii.edu
*Jocelyn M. Doane: kupuaina@gmail.com
*www.kupuaina.com, www.stopsellingcededlands.com
JOIN us at a Rally Calling on Governor Lingle to
WITHDRAW the Unnecessary Appeal of the Ceded
Lands Case to the U.S. Supreme Court
WHAT: In Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the 1993 Apology Resolution – Native Hawaiians Rally and Call on Lingle to Withdraw the Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court.
WHEN: Monday, November 24th at 11:30 AM
WHERE: State Capitol Rotunda
WHO: You, your ‘ohana, and friends in RED shirts.
- Inform the public of the magnitude of this case and the THREAT IT POSES TO NATIVE HAWAIIAN JUSTICE/RIGHTS.
- This could prove to be the MOST DAMAGING case on Hawaiian Rights EVER. An adverse ruling could cripple reconciliation efforts, severely diminish Native Hawaiian rights, and lay the foundation for dismantling Native Hawaiian programs.
- This is a NON-DIVISIVE issue – a U.S. Supreme Court decision has negative implications for our entire community and EVERY Hawaiian.
- The U.S. Supreme Court could misinterpret and reduce the significance of the Apology Resolution, which recognizes the illegality of the overthrow and supports Native Hawaiian rights.
- The U.S. Supreme Court has the potential to adversely impact the way the people of Hawai‘i deal with issues on a local level. Unlike the State Supreme Court, the U.S. Supreme Court does not know Hawai‘i’s history and will not be affected by the resolution of local issues.
- Governor Lingle’s action is wholly inconsistent with her previous support of Native Hawaiians. She must be urged to WITHDRAW this appeal IMMEDIATELY!
Fact Sheet:
Friday, November 14, 2008
*Derek Kauanoe: 489-5316
*Davis Kahōkū Price: daprice@hawaii.edu
*Jocelyn M. Doane: kupuaina@gmail.com
*www.kupuaina.com, www.stopsellingcededlands.com
State v. OHA (Ceded Lands Case)
Historical Background of Ceded Lands
- Ceded Lands are former Crown and Government lands held by the Kingdom of Hawai'i for the purpose of benefiting the people of Hawai'i.
- In 1898, approximately 1.8 million acres were “ceded” (transferred) to the United States. At this time, the U.S. implicitly recognized the trust nature of these lands.
- The 1959 Admission Act recognized the State‟s obligation to administer the ceded lands for one or more of five trust purposes, including the betterment of conditions of Native Hawaiians.
- In 1978 the people of Hawai'i amended the Hawai'i Constitution and clarified that the State has a trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians.
Hawai‘i Supreme Court Decision
- On January 31, 2008, the Hawai„i Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, held that the State has a responsibility to preserve ceded lands, until unrelinquished claims of Native Hawaiians are resolved. The Court placed a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands only until these claims are resolved.
- Our State Supreme Court based its determination on the state's obligation to act as a trustee of ceded lands on behalf of Hawaiian beneficiaries, and state and federal acknowledgment of unrelinquished claims.
- In support of its holding the court referred to language from the 1993 Apology Resolution, as well as state laws that recognize the illegality of the overthrow, the transfer of lands without compensation, and Hawaiians unrelinquished claims to ceded lands.
- Governor Lingle and State Attorney General Bennett subsequently asked the United States Supreme Court to review the State Court's decision. The Supreme Court will hear the case and is expected to issue a decision in Spring 2009.
An adverse ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court could cripple reconciliation efforts, severely diminish NATIVE HAWAIIAN RIGHTS, and lead to the dismantling of Native Hawaiian programs. Native Hawaiian issues affect our entire community and it is important that individual Native Hawaiians, Native Hawaiian organizations, and the broader Hawai'i community support a request for withdrawal.
Below is a transcribed version of those comments.
With the now coming into power of President-elect Barack Obama, I think it is virtually certain that the Akaka bill will become law in 2009, that a native Hawaiian governing entity will be recognized and will assume eventually the same legal status as other subsidiary sovereigns like Indian tribes and Native Alaskans. There is no justifiable policy reason, in our view, to treat Native Hawaiians as second class. Native Hawaiians were dispossessed of their land. They were treated unfairly, promises were made and broken in a moral sense and Native Hawaiians ought to have the right to form their own government to exercise limited autonomy and self-government in the same way every other native group in America has the right to.
I realize that opinions on the Akaka Bill vary throughout the Hawaiian islands and within the Native Hawaiian community. I mention these comments here, because, within the context of the State of Hawai'i's decision to have the Supreme Court of The United States review the Hawai'i Supreme Court's ruling in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs v. Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawai'i, these statements provide for some very interesting discussions.
On Friday November 14, 2008, an organization referred to as the "Kupu'āna Coalition" began circulating notices. There were a total of two the first is an "action alert" and the other is a "fact sheet." I'm pasting those notices below in case you have not yet received a notice. It will undoubtedly be interesting to see how things go.
Action Alert:
Friday, November 14, 2008
*Derek Kauanoe: 489-5316
*Davis Kahōkū Price: daprice@hawaii.edu
*Jocelyn M. Doane: kupuaina@gmail.com
*www.kupuaina.com, www.stopsellingcededlands.com
WITHDRAW the Unnecessary Appeal of the Ceded
Lands Case to the U.S. Supreme Court
WHAT: In Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the 1993 Apology Resolution – Native Hawaiians Rally and Call on Lingle to Withdraw the Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court.
WHEN: Monday, November 24th at 11:30 AM
WHERE: State Capitol Rotunda
WHO: You, your ‘ohana, and friends in RED shirts.
- Inform the public of the magnitude of this case and the THREAT IT POSES TO NATIVE HAWAIIAN JUSTICE/RIGHTS.
- This could prove to be the MOST DAMAGING case on Hawaiian Rights EVER. An adverse ruling could cripple reconciliation efforts, severely diminish Native Hawaiian rights, and lay the foundation for dismantling Native Hawaiian programs.
- This is a NON-DIVISIVE issue – a U.S. Supreme Court decision has negative implications for our entire community and EVERY Hawaiian.
- The U.S. Supreme Court could misinterpret and reduce the significance of the Apology Resolution, which recognizes the illegality of the overthrow and supports Native Hawaiian rights.
- The U.S. Supreme Court has the potential to adversely impact the way the people of Hawai‘i deal with issues on a local level. Unlike the State Supreme Court, the U.S. Supreme Court does not know Hawai‘i’s history and will not be affected by the resolution of local issues.
- Governor Lingle’s action is wholly inconsistent with her previous support of Native Hawaiians. She must be urged to WITHDRAW this appeal IMMEDIATELY!
Fact Sheet:
Friday, November 14, 2008
*Derek Kauanoe: 489-5316
*Davis Kahōkū Price: daprice@hawaii.edu
*Jocelyn M. Doane: kupuaina@gmail.com
*www.kupuaina.com, www.stopsellingcededlands.com
Historical Background of Ceded Lands
- Ceded Lands are former Crown and Government lands held by the Kingdom of Hawai'i for the purpose of benefiting the people of Hawai'i.
- In 1898, approximately 1.8 million acres were “ceded” (transferred) to the United States. At this time, the U.S. implicitly recognized the trust nature of these lands.
- The 1959 Admission Act recognized the State‟s obligation to administer the ceded lands for one or more of five trust purposes, including the betterment of conditions of Native Hawaiians.
- In 1978 the people of Hawai'i amended the Hawai'i Constitution and clarified that the State has a trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians.
Hawai‘i Supreme Court Decision
- On January 31, 2008, the Hawai„i Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, held that the State has a responsibility to preserve ceded lands, until unrelinquished claims of Native Hawaiians are resolved. The Court placed a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands only until these claims are resolved.
- Our State Supreme Court based its determination on the state's obligation to act as a trustee of ceded lands on behalf of Hawaiian beneficiaries, and state and federal acknowledgment of unrelinquished claims.
- In support of its holding the court referred to language from the 1993 Apology Resolution, as well as state laws that recognize the illegality of the overthrow, the transfer of lands without compensation, and Hawaiians unrelinquished claims to ceded lands.
- Governor Lingle and State Attorney General Bennett subsequently asked the United States Supreme Court to review the State Court's decision. The Supreme Court will hear the case and is expected to issue a decision in Spring 2009.
An adverse ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court could cripple reconciliation efforts, severely diminish NATIVE HAWAIIAN RIGHTS, and lead to the dismantling of Native Hawaiian programs. Native Hawaiian issues affect our entire community and it is important that individual Native Hawaiians, Native Hawaiian organizations, and the broader Hawai'i community support a request for withdrawal.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ceded Lands case commentary
Today, the Honolulu Advertiser printed a commentary in its editorial section and titled it, "Resolve claims before selling ceded lands: It's a matter of simple justice and fairness for Native Hawaiians."
Very little attention has been given to the ceded lands case since the Supreme Court of the United States chose to review the case (October 1) presented to the Court by the Lingle Administration earlier this year. Now that the U.S. Presidential election is over, we may start to see more coverage on this issue. If not within the next month, I'd be surprised if we don't begin to see more coverage by the new year. Oral arguments at the Supreme Court on this ceded lands case are anticipated sometime in February or possibly March of 2009.
A Matter of Simple Justice?
Five years ago, (February 25, 2003) the Honolulu Advertiser reported that Governor Lingle described Native Hawaiian federal recognition as being, "just about fairness, justice and treating all indigenous people in our country the same." The next day, Governor Lingle was also quoted as saying that federal recognition is a "matter of simple justice" when she testified before Congress in support of the Akaka bill.
Whether the state should be selling ceded lands, lands belonging to the Hawaiian Kingdom and eventually transferred to the State of Hawai'i, before reaching a settlement with Native Hawaiians, is also a matter of simple justice and fairness.
I recently explained the ceded lands situation to someone who did not quite understand the conflict between the Lingle administration's view that the state can sell ceded lands and our highest state court's landmark decision placing a moratorium on such sales. I asked this person to imagine that the two of us were married, but the marriage did not work out. As a result, we apologized to each other for the difficulty and hurt inflicted and agreed to get a divorce. In the process of getting a divorce I began selling personal property that she brought into the marriage in addition to selling the personal property we owned together, both before we established a complete inventory of the property and before a determination was made as to who would get what. I kept the money from those sales but she felt she had a claim to those property items sold. After realizing the unfairness of my actions, she sought the opinion of an independent third party to help us resolve our dispute. Much to my disappointment, the independent third party declared that it was not right for me to dispose of those items and any remaining items until the two of us resolved the issues of who would get which items. Fairness required that I discontinue selling those items.
Although a failed marriage may not be the absolute best analogy to describe the situation we are in regarding the ceded lands, the person I spoke with immediately understood that this ceded lands issue is indeed a matter of simple justice and fairness. Ceded lands, to which the state legislature and Congress have recognized that Native Hawaiians have a claim, should not be sold before those claims have been resolved.
Our highest court correctly acknowledged that selling lands, to which Native Hawaiians have a claim, results in the further loss of lands. By reducing those lands, Native Hawaiians will be disadvantaged in negotiating a settlement; Native Hawaiians will have less bargaining power. The court continued to explain that, preventing the state from selling lands until Native Hawaiian claims are resolved, "would help in leveling the playing field during the pendency of settlement negotiations and reconciliation." In other words, a moratorium on ceded land sales, until claims are resolved, provides for fairness in negotiations.
Native land claims and federal recognition are no strangers to each other. Indigenous groups in the continental United States have settled land claims with state and local governments, coinciding with their federal recognition process. Although it may be unintentional, it is nothing short of unusual that the Lingle administration would support Native Hawaiian federal recognition efforts (which may result in a settlement agreement regarding ceded lands) on the one hand, yet undermine those very same efforts by selling ceded lands with the other hand. In the interests of justice, a settlement should be reached before any ceded lands are sold.
Other comments made by Governor Lingle are equally awkward and confusing. The Advertiser, on February 25, 2003, also reported that our governor asked lawmakers "not to let the courts unravel decades of work in Congress to help Native Hawaiians through land, health, education and housing programs." Here however, the Lingle administration stands to unravel work, on the state and federal level by selling ceded lands to which Native Hawaiians have claims. Today, it is actually our state Supreme Court, that seeks to prevent the unraveling of "decades of work" to help Native Hawaiians.
Although these issues can often be confusing, it is clear that we as a community do justice a gross disservice if we allow ceded lands to be sold before resolving the issues and claims that arise from those lands.
It's a regular practice for newspapers to edit submissions to their editorial-opinion pages. Editing is very necessary because submissions could have mis-spellings, bad grammar, or could be completely un-organized making the submission difficult to read easily. Unfortunately, the editing process can sometimes inadvertently alter the authors intended message or perhaps change the intended emphasis. The commentary described above appears to not have been edited much, but I thought it might be useful to post the original submission to the Honolulu Advertiser to better capture the author's intended message before it was edited. To the reader, it may, or may not, make much of a difference, but I see that there are certain things the author emphasized in the original. The original submission is below.
A Matter of Simple Justice?
Five years ago, (February 25, 2003) the Honolulu Advertiser reported that Governor Lingle described Native Hawaiian federal recognition as being, "just about fairness, justice and treating all indigenous people in our country the same." The next day, Governor Lingle was also quoted as saying that federal recognition is a "matter of simple justice" when she testified before Congress in support of the Akaka bill.
Whether the state should be selling ceded lands, lands belonging to the Hawaiian Kingdom and eventually transferred to the State of Hawai'i, before reaching a settlement with Native Hawaiians, is also a matter of simple justice and fairness.
I recently explained the ceded lands situation to someone who did not quite understand the conflict between the Lingle administration's view that the state can sell ceded lands and our highest state court's landmark decision placing a moratorium on such sales. I asked this person to imagine that the two of us were married, but the marriage did not work out. As a result, we apologized to each other for the difficulty and hurt inflicted and agreed to get a divorce. In the process of getting a divorce I began selling personal property that she brought into the marriage in addition to selling the personal property we owned together, both before we established a complete inventory of the property and before a determination was made as to who would get what. I kept the money from those sales but she felt she had a claim to those property items sold. After realizing the unfairness of my actions, she sought the opinion of an independent third party to help us resolve our dispute. Much to my disappointment, the independent third party declared that it was not right for me to dispose of those items and any remaining items until the two of us resolved the issues of who would get which items. Fairness required that I discontinue selling those items.
Although a failed marriage may not be the absolute best analogy to describe the situation we are in regarding the ceded lands, the person I spoke with immediately understood that this ceded lands issue is indeed a matter of simple justice and fairness. Ceded lands, to which the state legislature and Congress have recognized that Native Hawaiians have a claim, should not be sold before those claims have been resolved.
Our highest court correctly acknowledged that selling lands, to which Native Hawaiians have a claim, results in the further loss of lands. By reducing those lands, Native Hawaiians will be disadvantaged in negotiating a settlement; Native Hawaiians will have less bargaining power. The court continued to explain that, preventing the state from selling lands until Native Hawaiian claims are resolved, "would help in leveling the playing field during the pendency of settlement negotiations and reconciliation." In other words, a moratorium on ceded land sales, until claims are resolved, provides for fairness in negotiations.
Native land claims and federal recognition are no strangers to each other. Indigenous groups in the continental United States have settled land claims with state and local governments, coinciding with their federal recognition process. Although it may be unintentional, it is nothing short of unusual that the Lingle administration would support Native Hawaiian federal recognition efforts (which may result in a settlement agreement regarding ceded lands) on the one hand, yet undermine those very same efforts by selling ceded lands with the other hand. In the interests of justice, a settlement should be reached before any ceded lands are sold.
Other comments made by Governor Lingle are equally awkward and confusing. The Advertiser, on February 25, 2003, also reported that our governor asked lawmakers "not to let the courts unravel decades of work in Congress to help Native Hawaiians through land, health, education and housing programs." Here however, the Lingle administration stands to unravel work, on the state and federal level by selling ceded lands to which Native Hawaiians have claims. Today, it is actually our state Supreme Court, that seeks to prevent the unraveling of "decades of work" to help Native Hawaiians.
Although these issues can often be confusing, it is clear that we as a community do justice a gross disservice if we allow ceded lands to be sold before resolving the issues and claims that arise from those lands.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Kamehameha Schools and the Honolulu Academy of Arts
Today, Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law co-hosted a meeting with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Honolulu, Kamehameha Schools, and the Honolulu Academy of Arts to share with law students an opportunity available to them to mentor children from Waimānalo Elementary-Intermediate School.
The program curriculum will focus on forming lasting relationships through the exploration of topics that promote justice and ethical responsibility, Hawaiian cultural activities, and community service. All activities are coupled with an art project and instruction that will enhance the experience and help to strengthen the bond between volunteers and mentees.
Here, Kristina from Big Brothers Big Sisters gives a power point presentation to law students describing what the program, involving law students and elementary-intermediate school students, will be like.
Christine and Maelani are seen here listening intently and preparing to describe Kamehameha Schools' role in the program.
Tyler, also from Big Brothers Big Sisters elaborates on the program and sharing how fun it is to work with keiki.
Vince from the Honolulu Academy of Arts shares with the law students the art projects that previous elementary-intermediate school students have done previously and also suggests what the young children might do with law students.
The program curriculum will focus on forming lasting relationships through the exploration of topics that promote justice and ethical responsibility, Hawaiian cultural activities, and community service. All activities are coupled with an art project and instruction that will enhance the experience and help to strengthen the bond between volunteers and mentees.
Law student mentors will meet with their young mentees in the spring of 2009 for a few hours each month. The program expects to provide a variety of activities that will foster a relationship between individual law students and elementary-intermediate school students.
By the end of today's meeting, a number of law students began filling-out applications to participate in the program and a few interviewed with Tyler.
Ka Huli Ao is confident that this program will inspire and encourage Waimānalo youth to consider pursuing higher education professional careers. Ka Huli Ao encourages other Richardson law school students to consider participating in this program. Interested students can send an e-mail to nhlawctr@hawaii.edu
By the end of today's meeting, a number of law students began filling-out applications to participate in the program and a few interviewed with Tyler.
Ka Huli Ao is confident that this program will inspire and encourage Waimānalo youth to consider pursuing higher education professional careers. Ka Huli Ao encourages other Richardson law school students to consider participating in this program. Interested students can send an e-mail to nhlawctr@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bankruptcy and ancient Native Hawaiian Burials
I recently wrote in a blog entry that I tend to provide links to the Honolulu Star Bulletin more frequently that the Honolulu Advertiser because after a while the Honolulu Advertiser limits access to their articles if it is older than 2 months which is different than how the Star Bulletin handles back issues. While doing a google search however, I found a relevant 1-year old article from the Advertiser that ties in nicely with this blog entry.
Both Pacific Business News and the Honolulu Star Bulletin report that General Growth Properties Inc. is having financial troubles. Pacific Business News provides that, "Last week, General Growth Properties reported a quarterly loss of $15.4 million, suspended its shareholder dividend and said it would halt plans for any new construction or development."
The Star Bulletin reported "General Growth, beset by falling funds from operations and plagued by a tightening global credit market that's making it difficult for companies to obtain financing, is trying to sell off properties and cut costs to weather the rocky economic climate."
General Growth Properties is relevant to burials because one of its development projects unearthed many ancient Native Hawaiian burials.
A May 2, 2007 Honolulu Advertiser article explained that more than 45 sets of ancient Native Hawaiian remains were found at the Ward-area project site; and the future home of a Whole-Foods store. Originally 11 sets of human remains were found. Then later, and supposedly to the "surprise" of General Growth, 36 more Native Hawaiian ancient remains were found in the same area. Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners expressed concern as to the culturally and spiritually insensitive treatment of these unearthed burials. Attorney Moses Haia is reported in the article as wanting the human remains stay in the place in which they were found.
The articles are a year or more old and since the disturbance of those buried remains, construction has resumed. It's interesting now to see what will come of General Growth Properties given its current financial situation. Will the corporation have to discontinue its development efforts because of its inability to refinance? Will General Growth have to resort to selling its property at Ward? Neither article discusses the burials issue as it relates to General Growth so you may be reading it here first. This is definitely something to keep an out for.
Both Pacific Business News and the Honolulu Star Bulletin report that General Growth Properties Inc. is having financial troubles. Pacific Business News provides that, "Last week, General Growth Properties reported a quarterly loss of $15.4 million, suspended its shareholder dividend and said it would halt plans for any new construction or development."
The Star Bulletin reported "General Growth, beset by falling funds from operations and plagued by a tightening global credit market that's making it difficult for companies to obtain financing, is trying to sell off properties and cut costs to weather the rocky economic climate."
General Growth Properties is relevant to burials because one of its development projects unearthed many ancient Native Hawaiian burials.
A May 2, 2007 Honolulu Advertiser article explained that more than 45 sets of ancient Native Hawaiian remains were found at the Ward-area project site; and the future home of a Whole-Foods store. Originally 11 sets of human remains were found. Then later, and supposedly to the "surprise" of General Growth, 36 more Native Hawaiian ancient remains were found in the same area. Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners expressed concern as to the culturally and spiritually insensitive treatment of these unearthed burials. Attorney Moses Haia is reported in the article as wanting the human remains stay in the place in which they were found.
Honolulu Magazine also has a 2007 article on the Ward burials issue also, titled Bones of Contention. The article appears to be quite thorough and more lengthy that the previously cited Honolulu Advertiser article. Unlike the Honolulu Advertiser article, Honolulu Magazine is more critical. Honolulu Magazine reported that, under state law, SHPD is tasked with protecting vestiges of Hawaii’s past. Its staff is supposed to review proposed projects for potential harm to historic sites and burials. If a site could be affected, SHPD is supposed to require the developer to hire an archaeologist to survey the property before any construction begins and make sure the survey is done right. That way, the developer can redesign the project while it’s still being planned, as opposed to being built.
This never happened at the Ward Village Shops.
This never happened at the Ward Village Shops.
The articles are a year or more old and since the disturbance of those buried remains, construction has resumed. It's interesting now to see what will come of General Growth Properties given its current financial situation. Will the corporation have to discontinue its development efforts because of its inability to refinance? Will General Growth have to resort to selling its property at Ward? Neither article discusses the burials issue as it relates to General Growth so you may be reading it here first. This is definitely something to keep an out for.
Below is a map of the area and the other a picture of the site. The map comes from the Honolulu Advertiser and the photo comes from Honolulu Magazine
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
And the Speaker stays . . .
Pacific Business News reports today that Representative Calvin Say maintains his position as Speaker of the House. The Star Bulletin previously reported that there were other Democratic Representatives who sought to challenge Say's leadership. What relevance does Calvin Say have to the Native Hawaiian community? Let's take a look at it.
The ceded lands case on appeal at the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) for some reason is not getting the attention it probably should. It's not clear exactly why. Rice v. Cayetano, from my recollection received a lot of attention. The only thing I remember reading about this ceded lands case so far is: the State's decision to appeal to SCOTUS (in April), SCOTUS's decision on October 1 to hear the case, and then two very brief editorials in both the Honolulu Advertiser (10/3/08) and the Honolulu Star Bulletin (10/6/08). Other than these pieces of information from the media, I don't recall anything else being reported much. In addition to not agreeing with the authors of the two editorials, I did not think the editorials demonstrated a thorough understanding of the case. I reached this conclusion because the Advertiser failed to realize in its editorial the impact the sale of ceded lands would have on fair negotiations, an issue our highest state court contemplated. Additionally, the Star Bulletin, in its editorial, only focused on Public Law 103-150 (federal law) when our State court actually examined and discussed at length, important State of Hawai'i law and applied that state law to the case.
The Hawai'i Supreme Court on January 31, 2008, ruled that the State could not sell ceded lands before resolving the "un-relinquished claims" of Native Hawaiians to ceded lands. In other words, the Hawai'i Supreme Court place a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands until claims have been resolved. Before this issue went to the court there was no legislative moratorium on ceded lands. Or was there?
Well, no there was no moratorium passed in the legislature. But there were two bills introduced into both the state Senate and the House of Representatives. According to the State Legislature website, in 2007 Representative Calvin Say, "BY REQUEST" introduced HB1197 that is described as, "prohibit[ing] the department of land and natural resources from selling, exchanging, or otherwise alienating lands contained in the public land trust without the consent of the board of trustees of the office of Hawaiian affairs."
As Representative Calvin Say maintains his leadership over the State Of Hawai'i House of Representatives, it will be interesting to see what his position, as Speaker of the House, on the ceded lands case will be and if he will try to introduce similar legislation again that would place a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands until the unrelinquished claims of Native Hawaiians to those lands have been resolved.
The ceded lands case on appeal at the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) for some reason is not getting the attention it probably should. It's not clear exactly why. Rice v. Cayetano, from my recollection received a lot of attention. The only thing I remember reading about this ceded lands case so far is: the State's decision to appeal to SCOTUS (in April), SCOTUS's decision on October 1 to hear the case, and then two very brief editorials in both the Honolulu Advertiser (10/3/08) and the Honolulu Star Bulletin (10/6/08). Other than these pieces of information from the media, I don't recall anything else being reported much. In addition to not agreeing with the authors of the two editorials, I did not think the editorials demonstrated a thorough understanding of the case. I reached this conclusion because the Advertiser failed to realize in its editorial the impact the sale of ceded lands would have on fair negotiations, an issue our highest state court contemplated. Additionally, the Star Bulletin, in its editorial, only focused on Public Law 103-150 (federal law) when our State court actually examined and discussed at length, important State of Hawai'i law and applied that state law to the case.
The Hawai'i Supreme Court on January 31, 2008, ruled that the State could not sell ceded lands before resolving the "un-relinquished claims" of Native Hawaiians to ceded lands. In other words, the Hawai'i Supreme Court place a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands until claims have been resolved. Before this issue went to the court there was no legislative moratorium on ceded lands. Or was there?
Well, no there was no moratorium passed in the legislature. But there were two bills introduced into both the state Senate and the House of Representatives. According to the State Legislature website, in 2007 Representative Calvin Say, "BY REQUEST" introduced HB1197 that is described as, "prohibit[ing] the department of land and natural resources from selling, exchanging, or otherwise alienating lands contained in the public land trust without the consent of the board of trustees of the office of Hawaiian affairs."
As Representative Calvin Say maintains his leadership over the State Of Hawai'i House of Representatives, it will be interesting to see what his position, as Speaker of the House, on the ceded lands case will be and if he will try to introduce similar legislation again that would place a moratorium on the sale of ceded lands until the unrelinquished claims of Native Hawaiians to those lands have been resolved.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Federal Money?
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin has an editorial on the so-called "status" of Hawai'i. While it may not appear relevant to Native Hawaiian issues at first, it very well might be. The editorial focuses on one of the most senior Senators, Daniel Inouye, and his position as the chairman of the Appropriations Committee. The Senate Appropriations Committee has been described as the most powerful senate committee. Reviews of different news articles suggest that Senator Inouye is expected to bring more federal funding to Hawai'i, possibly to existing and new programs designed to benefit Native Hawaiians. Congressman Neil Abercrombie has previously also pointed out that having a Hawai'i-born President in office may also prove to be beneficial to Hawai'i.
You may be wondering if we have a bias towards the Honolulu Star-Bulletin over the Honolulu Advertiser. There really is no bias other than the mere fact that Honolulu Star-Bulletin doesn't make people purchase old articles and the Honolulu Advertiser does. If we were to regularly place links to the Honolulu Advertiser website, after about two months, those links would be dead links. By citing to the Star Bulletin, we don't expect those links to die anytime soon.
You may be wondering if we have a bias towards the Honolulu Star-Bulletin over the Honolulu Advertiser. There really is no bias other than the mere fact that Honolulu Star-Bulletin doesn't make people purchase old articles and the Honolulu Advertiser does. If we were to regularly place links to the Honolulu Advertiser website, after about two months, those links would be dead links. By citing to the Star Bulletin, we don't expect those links to die anytime soon.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Archiving, Kahana Evictions, Ceded Lands case
Happy Aloha Friday,
So yesterday Ka Huli Ao had its first live-streaming event and we still have more updates not only about Ka Huli Ao but also more general news.
A number of Hawai'i residents often visit the State Archives for research. Unfortunately, the archives is only open Monday through Friday from 9am until 4pm. Ka Huli Ao has embarked on an effort to make archived documents more easily available. Ka Huli Ao Post-JD fellow Keith Johnston, a 2008 William S. Richardson School of Law graduate, with Professor Leina'ala Seeger are working on the effort to make Hawaiian Kingdom era documents more available to the public.
There are updates regarding Kahana. The Honolulu Star Bulletin reports in a headline that, "Kahana dispute goes to court, Legislature." The timing of the evictions have been criticized as being horrible. The United States is experience what has been described as the toughest economic times since the "Great Depression." Throughout the continental United States, home foreclosures have increased substantially, and as has been the case for a number of years, in Hawai'i the housing market is displacing Hawaii residents including the aboriginal portion of the islands' population. Both the Honolulu Star Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser have, over the past few years, reported on a number of stories on the increasing number of homeless people in our island home. Many observers are saying that, with these facts as a context, the worst time to evict any family is right now.
Senator Hanabusa, at Maoli Thursday suggested that the only fix to this Kahana issue is a legislative fix. If you click on the Part 2 video Senator Hanabusa explains how the State Legislature might fix the issue when the legislature reconvenes in January. Senator Hanabusa asks of Laura Theilan (Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources) that the people expect to know "why she needed to do this (evict the Kahana families)? Why now? What prompted her to do this?"
Going back to the Star Bulletin article, the "Families facing eviction from Kahana Valley filed a lawsuit against the state yesterday, asking a circuit judge to force the state to halt evictions because it is violating their rights. Hours after the suit was filed, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources announced it had stayed evictions of six families until the upcoming legislative session."
No real update as all parties are preparing briefs for the Supreme Court of the United States. However, Professor Melody MacKenzie, at Maoli Thursday, invited all that were in attendance to her Native Hawaiian Rights class on Monday at 3:25pm. Prof. MacKenzie will be hosting a guest speaker, William Meheula, an attorney representing Hawaiian individuals who oppose the sale of ceded lands before the un-relinquished rights of Native Hawaiians have been resolved . Mr. Meheula is expected to talk about the case.
It can be seen in the Part 2 video also that a question was asked that led to a discussion regarding the ceded lands case. Colin Kippen, who ran for Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee this year, was present at Maoli Thursday. Trustee Haunani Apoliona was also in attendance. At the start of Part 2, Colin Kippen asks a question about federal recognition and the need for its passage, but cautioned about the "watered-down" version of the originally proposed bill. Senator Hanabusa, while speaking to Mr. Kippen's concern, directed the discussion to the importance of the State of Hawai'i v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs case dealing with ceded lands now on appeal at the Supreme Court of the United States. In summary, Senator Hanabusa emphasized the importance of the community organizing and persuading Governor Lingle to withdraw the appeal. I highly recommend checking out the video clips from yesterday's Maoli Thursday to listen to the discussion.
So yesterday Ka Huli Ao had its first live-streaming event and we still have more updates not only about Ka Huli Ao but also more general news.
A number of Hawai'i residents often visit the State Archives for research. Unfortunately, the archives is only open Monday through Friday from 9am until 4pm. Ka Huli Ao has embarked on an effort to make archived documents more easily available. Ka Huli Ao Post-JD fellow Keith Johnston, a 2008 William S. Richardson School of Law graduate, with Professor Leina'ala Seeger are working on the effort to make Hawaiian Kingdom era documents more available to the public.
There are updates regarding Kahana. The Honolulu Star Bulletin reports in a headline that, "Kahana dispute goes to court, Legislature." The timing of the evictions have been criticized as being horrible. The United States is experience what has been described as the toughest economic times since the "Great Depression." Throughout the continental United States, home foreclosures have increased substantially, and as has been the case for a number of years, in Hawai'i the housing market is displacing Hawaii residents including the aboriginal portion of the islands' population. Both the Honolulu Star Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser have, over the past few years, reported on a number of stories on the increasing number of homeless people in our island home. Many observers are saying that, with these facts as a context, the worst time to evict any family is right now.
Senator Hanabusa, at Maoli Thursday suggested that the only fix to this Kahana issue is a legislative fix. If you click on the Part 2 video Senator Hanabusa explains how the State Legislature might fix the issue when the legislature reconvenes in January. Senator Hanabusa asks of Laura Theilan (Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources) that the people expect to know "why she needed to do this (evict the Kahana families)? Why now? What prompted her to do this?"
Going back to the Star Bulletin article, the "Families facing eviction from Kahana Valley filed a lawsuit against the state yesterday, asking a circuit judge to force the state to halt evictions because it is violating their rights. Hours after the suit was filed, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources announced it had stayed evictions of six families until the upcoming legislative session."
No real update as all parties are preparing briefs for the Supreme Court of the United States. However, Professor Melody MacKenzie, at Maoli Thursday, invited all that were in attendance to her Native Hawaiian Rights class on Monday at 3:25pm. Prof. MacKenzie will be hosting a guest speaker, William Meheula, an attorney representing Hawaiian individuals who oppose the sale of ceded lands before the un-relinquished rights of Native Hawaiians have been resolved . Mr. Meheula is expected to talk about the case.
It can be seen in the Part 2 video also that a question was asked that led to a discussion regarding the ceded lands case. Colin Kippen, who ran for Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee this year, was present at Maoli Thursday. Trustee Haunani Apoliona was also in attendance. At the start of Part 2, Colin Kippen asks a question about federal recognition and the need for its passage, but cautioned about the "watered-down" version of the originally proposed bill. Senator Hanabusa, while speaking to Mr. Kippen's concern, directed the discussion to the importance of the State of Hawai'i v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs case dealing with ceded lands now on appeal at the Supreme Court of the United States. In summary, Senator Hanabusa emphasized the importance of the community organizing and persuading Governor Lingle to withdraw the appeal. I highly recommend checking out the video clips from yesterday's Maoli Thursday to listen to the discussion.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Post-Maoli Thursday
Beyond Election 2008: What's at Stake for Native Hawaiians was another great Ka Huli Ao event.
This was our first attempt at live-streaming an event. We experienced some glitches in the beginning and in the middle. Unfortunately, during the streaming the web browser crashed and we needed to re-start our computer. So, all in all, we missed the first few minutes in the live stream and then there was a break in the video. I wasn't sure if the questions from the audience were being picked up by the video camera's microphone, so I wrote those questions on the streaming video for viewers to read.
Despite these technical issues, I'd like to share a comment however, that was sent to us via e-mail,
The sound was excellent, the picture was relatively excellent, and the typing of the questions was very helpful, eventhough, I could here the questions being asked.
Overall, it was a very excellent and helpful tool to give access for those of us who couldnt physically be there in the room. Access to discussions like this is sorely lacking in our communities and this is one way you all have provided for that void. Although we have got Public Access Stations like Olelo, it always shows the discussions days, weeks, or even months later. This was right now and it let us get updated right now.
your reminders, even up to the minute, were essential for me, especially because I have 1000 things to do in a day. mahalo.
Amy Wiecking from the Law School office called us also and shared that she received positive comments about our live-stream also.
We have available here the two videos for readers to watch. Unfortunately I can't confirm that the quality of the video is as good as the live stream.
Beyond Election 2008 - Part 1
Beyond Election 2008 - Part 2
Free Webcam Chat at Ustream
We can be visited on Facebook (and Twitter) where you can stay updated with Ka Huli Ao.
We encourage all readers to check out our blog here daily for updates.
This was our first attempt at live-streaming an event. We experienced some glitches in the beginning and in the middle. Unfortunately, during the streaming the web browser crashed and we needed to re-start our computer. So, all in all, we missed the first few minutes in the live stream and then there was a break in the video. I wasn't sure if the questions from the audience were being picked up by the video camera's microphone, so I wrote those questions on the streaming video for viewers to read.
Despite these technical issues, I'd like to share a comment however, that was sent to us via e-mail,
The sound was excellent, the picture was relatively excellent, and the typing of the questions was very helpful, eventhough, I could here the questions being asked.
Overall, it was a very excellent and helpful tool to give access for those of us who couldnt physically be there in the room. Access to discussions like this is sorely lacking in our communities and this is one way you all have provided for that void. Although we have got Public Access Stations like Olelo, it always shows the discussions days, weeks, or even months later. This was right now and it let us get updated right now.
your reminders, even up to the minute, were essential for me, especially because I have 1000 things to do in a day. mahalo.
Amy Wiecking from the Law School office called us also and shared that she received positive comments about our live-stream also.
We have available here the two videos for readers to watch. Unfortunately I can't confirm that the quality of the video is as good as the live stream.
Beyond Election 2008 - Part 1
Beyond Election 2008 - Part 2
We can be visited on Facebook (and Twitter) where you can stay updated with Ka Huli Ao.
We encourage all readers to check out our blog here daily for updates.
LIVE-STREAMING - Beyond Election 2008: What's at Stake for Native Hawaiians
Any and all comments, opinions, questions, etc., made by any person(s) on this live-streaming broadcast are not representative of the comments, opinions or questions of Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, the William S. Richardson School of Law, or the University of Hawai'i.
To watch the video, click on the "play" arrow on the screen below.
Online TV Shows by Ustream
To watch the video, click on the "play" arrow on the screen below.
Online TV Shows by Ustream
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Maoli Thursday, Elections, Kahana, and Moot Court
Tomorrow, November, 6, we will be having our third Maoli Thursday event of the school year. This will be a special Maoli Thursday given the recent election results. For those unable to attend this month's Maoli Thursday, we will be live-streaming the event here on our blog.
The event is titled, "Beyond Election 2008: What's at stake for Native Hawaiians?"
We have two featured guests:
- Hawai'i State Senate President Colleen Hanabusa
- Esther Kia'aina, Land Asset Manager for Kamehameha Schools and Chief of Staff to Congressman Ed Case.
Our guests and audience will engage in a discussion on how elections at the county, state & federal levels will impact both our island communities and Native Hawaiians.
Billy Kenoi, a Native Hawaiian and a graduate of the William S. Richardson School of Law is now the Mayor of Hawai'i County.
The Honolulu Advertiser is reporting that the six families in Kahana, that faced eviction, will not be evicted while the 2009 Hawai'i legislature considers how to deal with the issue.
We can expect to see some legislation specifically addressing Kahana.
The University of Colorado and Denver University Native American Law Students Association chapters released this year's moot court problem. It's available here
Hawai'i and Native Hawaiian law students might be particularly interested in this problem as the "record below" cites to Doe v. Kamehameha Schools case.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Elections
Tomorrow is elections day nationwide but in Hawai'i there are a few political seats up for election that directly impact the Native Hawaiian community.
According to information from a State of Hawai'i government website, there are four (4) Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee positions up for election. We've provided links to each named candidate (except for Donald Cataluna who is running un-opposed) for you to click on to learn more about each candidate.
OHA Trustee Island of Hawai'i:
1.) Lindsey, Bob
2.) Meyers, William
OHA Trustee Island of Kaua'i:
1.) Cataluna, Donald
OHA Trustee Island of Moloka'i:
1.) Machado, Colette
2.) Purdy, Waipa
OHA Trustee No Island Residency Required [At-Large]:
1.) Apoliona, Haunani
2.) Honda, Helene
3.) Kippen, Colin
4.) Nalua'i, Sol
For each individual race, there is an incumbent. After tomorrow we will see if there are any changes in trustees.
According to information from a State of Hawai'i government website, there are four (4) Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee positions up for election. We've provided links to each named candidate (except for Donald Cataluna who is running un-opposed) for you to click on to learn more about each candidate.
OHA Trustee Island of Hawai'i:
1.) Lindsey, Bob
2.) Meyers, William
OHA Trustee Island of Kaua'i:
1.) Cataluna, Donald
OHA Trustee Island of Moloka'i:
1.) Machado, Colette
2.) Purdy, Waipa
OHA Trustee No Island Residency Required [At-Large]:
1.) Apoliona, Haunani
2.) Honda, Helene
3.) Kippen, Colin
4.) Nalua'i, Sol
For each individual race, there is an incumbent. After tomorrow we will see if there are any changes in trustees.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
video test
Any and all comments, opinions, questions, etc., made by any person(s) on this video test or any other live-streaming broadcast are not representative of the comments, opinions or questions of Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, the William S. Richardson School of Law, or the University of Hawai'i.
Online TV Shows by Ustream
Online TV Shows by Ustream
Beyond Election 2008: What's at Stake for Native Hawaiians
WHAT: Maoli Thursday November 6, 2008
WHERE: William S. Richardson School of Law - Classroom 3
WHEN: 12:45pm - 1:45 pm
e-mail: nhlawctr@hawaii.edu
BEYOND ELECTION 2008: What's at Stake for Native Hawaiians.
Join us as we welcome our guests, Senator Colleen Hanabusa the president of the Hawai'i State Senate and Esther Kiaaina, Land Asset Manager for Kamehameha Schools.
WHERE: William S. Richardson School of Law - Classroom 3
WHEN: 12:45pm - 1:45 pm
e-mail: nhlawctr@hawaii.edu
BEYOND ELECTION 2008: What's at Stake for Native Hawaiians.
Join us as we welcome our guests, Senator Colleen Hanabusa the president of the Hawai'i State Senate and Esther Kiaaina, Land Asset Manager for Kamehameha Schools.
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