Ann Otteman, "The Fed Bar conference on Federal Indian law was an amazing experience that I would encourage all students interested in indigenous rights to attend. Judges, attorneys and fellow law students all gathered to discuss the important impacts of Federal law and courts on the nation's indigenous populations. One of the most interesting things that I learned was that the eyes of the nations are on Hawaii as a model for native rights. It was a great experience I plan on repeating."
Jesse Smith, "The 2009 Fed Bar Conference and NALSA meeting provided our team members the opportunity to experience first hand and learn about the important issues facing Indian Country today. We were able to network with and make friends with other advocates in the field and those most affected by changes in the law. Unlike any other field of law, attending such a conference as Fed Bar entails the law coming to life right before your eyes as you are thrown into the sea of humanity for which the law is supposed to serve. If nothing else, such an experience teaches us that the law is much more than what is written in codes and case books, and that even here in Hawaii we have friends across the country who empathize with and support our cause."
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