Monday, September 7, 2009

Maoli Thursday Video: True Sovereignty? The Akaka Bill and Its Implications

On Thursday, September 3, 2009, Ka Huli Ao held its first Maoli Thursday event of the 2009-10 academic year. The topic was the Akaka Bill also known as the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. Below is a video of three panelists discussing the Akaka Bill: Dr. Lynette Cruz, Robin Danner, Esther Kiaʻāina. (click here for bios on panelist).


kepalo said...

Mahalo for sharing by invite to the community to come to this kukakuka. I understand the remedies of Kia`aina and Danner but a remedy was reached between President Cleveland and Queen Lili`uokalani and hangs in estopple limbo while they recreate the wheel changing all persons wronged in the first and original protest that included all Kingdom Subjects to an ethnic claim. How can an ethnic claim lay claim to the Hawaiian Kingdom's resouces?

Ka Huli Ao: Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law said...

He mea'ole. We host Maoli Thursday on the first Thursday of each month. So, our next two Maoli Thursday events will be October 1 and November 5 at 12:45pm at the law school. We'll also continue to live-stream this event here on our blog.