November 23, 2009
Aloha kakou!
Each year since time immemorial, Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) await the arrival of Nā Huihui o Makali‘i, the constellation of stars also known as the Pleiades or the seven little sisters. When Makali‘i rises at sunset, it is most visible in the night sky. For Kanaka Maoli, this signifies the beginning of the Makahiki, a traditional celebration of the harvest and a time of personal rest and spiritual renewal. Makali‘i usually appears around November when the sun turns to the North, which brings warmth to the earth and supports the growth of plants and the spawning of fish. As the harvest is gathered, gifts are traditionally given as an expression of thanksgiving.
In celebration of Makahiki, the staff at
Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, at the William S. Richardson School of Law, gives thanks for the many blessings reaped in 2009. With your support, we have much to celebrate, including:
* Expanded program offerings, which served o
ver 2,000 students and community members this year alone through classes, clinics, lectures, presentations, publications, and other outreach efforts.
* Five more
law school graduates in May 2009, with a Pacific Asian Legal Studies Certificate Specialty in Native Hawaiian Law.
* A newly approved stand alone
Certificate in Native Hawaiian Law, which will be available to law students graduating in May 2010.
* A partnership with Kamehameha Schools supporting four
Post-Juris Doctorate Research Fellows each year for three years to enable scholarship, research, teaching and other related projects in Native Hawaiian law.
* The first University funded
tenure track position dedicated to Ka Huli Ao!
Although we have much to be proud of, more work still needs to be done. To help with these and other Ka Huli Ao initiatives, you can make a tax deductible donation at:
www.uhf.hawaii.edu/kahuliao. With your support, we look forward to continuing to draw the best from Maoli tradition in pursuit of scholarship, enlightenment, and justice for Kanaka Maoli and all of Hawai‘i’s people.
To show our appreciation for contributions of $150 or more, we will send you a 27 oz. Ka Huli Ao stainless steel water bottle. The bottle will be sent to the address you provide on the online gift form. If you would like it sent elsewhere, please note that in the comment section.
To mail your donation, please make checks payable to the “
University of Hawai‘i Foundation” and indicate “
Ka Huli Ao” on the memo line. Send your check to:
William S. Richardson School of Law
Attn: Ka Huli Ao
2515 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Mahalo piha,
Melody Kapilialoha MacKenzie
Assistant Professor & Director